Operation NO MORE DIAPERS is being declared a success!
Wednesday morning, after peeing on the potty, Kaitlin asked if she could wear her Little Mermaid Princess panties instead of diapers. I agreed, but I thought for sure I'd be cleaning up messes all day. She totally surprised me and stayed dry ALL DAY!
On Day 1 she pee'd on the potty THIRTEEN times!! HOLY COW!

As some of you know, we have been doing stickers on a potty chart with the incentive of picking out a toy of her choice when the chart was filled in. Stickers were being added at a snail's pace ~ until Wednesday!

By 7pm, she had enough stickers to fill in the chart. We immediately headed out to the toy store and she chose a Thumbelina Barbie.

Today, we started a new potty chart and this time the incentive is a "Potty Party" at Chuck E Cheese! (If you'd like to be with us when we celebrate Kaitlin's potty success, let me know. At the rate she's going, we'll probably be going to Chuck E Cheese this weekend!)
It's such a relief to know that diapers are coming to an end for Kaitlin. As hard as it is to realize your baby is growing ~ diapers are one thing we're glad to be leaving behind!!!