Thursday, March 5, 2009


Operation NO MORE DIAPERS is being declared a success!

Wednesday morning, after peeing on the potty, Kaitlin asked if she could wear her Little Mermaid Princess panties instead of diapers. I agreed, but I thought for sure I'd be cleaning up messes all day. She totally surprised me and stayed dry ALL DAY!

On Day 1 she pee'd on the potty THIRTEEN times!! HOLY COW!
Potty Training Pictures, Images and Photos

As some of you know, we have been doing stickers on a potty chart with the incentive of picking out a toy of her choice when the chart was filled in. Stickers were being added at a snail's pace ~ until Wednesday!

By 7pm, she had enough stickers to fill in the chart. We immediately headed out to the toy store and she chose a Thumbelina Barbie.

Today, we started a new potty chart and this time the incentive is a "Potty Party" at Chuck E Cheese! (If you'd like to be with us when we celebrate Kaitlin's potty success, let me know. At the rate she's going, we'll probably be going to Chuck E Cheese this weekend!)

It's such a relief to know that diapers are coming to an end for Kaitlin. As hard as it is to realize your baby is growing ~ diapers are one thing we're glad to be leaving behind!!!

Potty Training Blinky Pictures, Images and Photos


Diane / Mimi said...

In our mind's eye, we visualize Kaitlin in her "birthday suit" in front of the bathroom jumping up and down with arms raised exclaiming "I did it! I did it!"

Melissa said...

YAY for Kaitlin. Katelyn picked out a pink teddy bear that it would glow red if you squeezed her hand. It is so great to be out of diapers isn't it. Too bad we can't come to the party.

Ange said...

Way to go Caitlin! What a big girl!!!