Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Snip! Snip!

Last Saturday, we took the girls for haircuts!

Kaitlin's haircut was long overdue, and I finally came to the conclusion that Zoey's locks were not going to curl into cute baby curls.

Here are some before and after pictures:

Kaitlin did great with her haircut...

....but Zoey was a different story!

She was too scared and totally refused to sit in the "firetruck" so I ended up holding her while her hair was being cut!

She was pretty upset about the haircut. But, of course, there's nothing that a lollipop can't solve. ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kaitlin's Bedroom!

Check out Kaitlin's new bedroom & (until-the-basement-is-finished) guest room!!! ~~

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Free Day at the Museum!

Today was FREE DAY at The Denver Museum of Nature and Science! As expected, a free day always draws a crowd, but it was fun nevertheless.
Here are a few pictures of our quick trip~

My little astronauts!
Puzzles are her favorite!The Silly Mirror!What's a Museum without a Dinosaur?? (Zoey was too scared to pose by the dino!)

In the children's area, they have a little stage area.
Kaitlin really liked the stage.... ;)


They say you learn something new everyday. Just the other day Kaitlin noticed that her purple Build-a-Bear (named Amethyst) had a jewel embroidered on her foot. She asked me a few times that day about the bear's name.

Today in the Gems and Mineral area of the museum, we saw a giant Amethyst! All of a sudden, it all clicked for Kaitlin ~ now she understands why the purple bear named Amethyst has a purple jewel! So cool! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

UPDATE! Operation Toddler Bed Aborted

Sadly, Operation Toddler Bed has been aborted.

Zoey did not sleep well last night. She kept falling out of bed, and by 1:30am was so riled that she could not fall back asleep. Around 3:30 am I woke up Brandon and asked him to revert the bed back to a crib so that we could get some sleep.

We will probably make the toddler bed attempt again in a few months. But for now, my lil' baby will still be sleeping in her crib.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It was a big day for beds around here!!!

Kaitlin got a new full size bed with matching dressers and we turned Zoey's crib into a toddler bed. I just ran upstairs and took a few pictures of my sleeping babies. ♥

PS. Zoey's only fallen out twice so far. ;)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Yesterday, our new neighborhood sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt in the park next to the elementary school. They split the hunt into two groups - babies thru 5 yrs and 5 yrs and up. It was windy and cold, but the girls had a good time. Zoey "found" 12 eggs and Kaitlin "found" 9. There wasn't much "hunting" to be done because it was just a big field where the easter bunny dropped about 6000 eggs. When they blew the whistle, thousands of kids ran as fast as they could to gather eggs. I chased after Kaitlin and Brandon followed Zoey. The whold thing lasted about 2 minutes. (Kids sure don't mess around when it comes to picking up candy!) ;)
Out of the 21 eggs the girls found, 20 of them contained a piece of bubble gum and one contained a peppermint candy. Not exactly "baby friendly" candy, but it was definitely funny to watch Kaitlin open each egg with so much hope and then say, "MORE gum!?" after each one.

Saturday evening, we colored Easter Eggs! Check out some of the pics!

.......and a video! ;)