Yesterday, our new neighborhood sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt in the park next to the elementary school. They split the hunt into two groups - babies thru 5 yrs and 5 yrs and up. It was windy and cold, but the girls had a good time. Zoey "found" 12 eggs and Kaitlin "found" 9. There wasn't much "hunting" to be done because it was just a big field where the easter bunny dropped about 6000 eggs. When they blew the whistle, thousands of kids ran as fast as they could to gather eggs. I chased after Kaitlin and Brandon followed Zoey. The whold thing lasted about 2 minutes. (Kids sure don't mess around when it comes to picking up candy!) ;)
Out of the 21 eggs the girls found, 20 of them contained a piece of bubble gum and one contained a peppermint candy. Not exactly "baby friendly" candy, but it was definitely funny to watch Kaitlin open each egg with so much hope and then say, "
MORE gum!?" after each one.

Saturday evening, we colored Easter Eggs! Check out some of the pics!

.......and a video! ;)