Last Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Kaitlin's preschool class went on a field trip to The Urban Farm. It's a real, working farm located right here in the city!
They allowed younger siblings to join the preschool class, so that was an extra bonus for Zoey!
The girls had a great time! My dad was on vacation, so he was able to come with us too. "Farmer Donna" gave us a tour and taught us about the animals on her farm.
Here's a picture of Zoey petting a goat:
More goat petting:
Grandpa and the girls:
Here's a picture of Kaitlin petting a chicken..
The lady in the yellow jacket is one of her teachers ~ Ms Christy. Farmer Donna is in the black jacket. Look at the mountains in the background. Beautiful! ♥

More goats:

Grandpa and Zoey:

Farmer Donna showed the kids a chicken egg that was "still warm".
A REAL turkey! This was definitely my favorite part.
You know with Thanksgiving just two days away, the jokes were flying about this guy. ;)

Checkin' out the cows:

OH MAN! The size of these pigs was absolutely shocking!

The group picture:
..and a QUACK (quick) video. ;)