So, here goes nothin'... several days worth of posts stuffed (quickly) into one...
Last Friday, Kaitlin invited her friends Hailey and Bronwyn over for pizza and fun! Their mommies, Lisa and Tara came along too. Here are some pictures of the girls playing outside! The six of us had such a great time!
On Saturday, Kaitlin and I went to the Denver Zoo with Tara and Bronwyn. The weather was absolutely perfect, and Kaitlin really enjoyed seeing the animals.
She is still talking about riding in the car with Bronwyn.
Sunday was a big day! We spent the morning doing some outside chores. Kaitlin is such a helper... here she is scrubbing the deck:
Her new thing to shout is, "my turn!"
And of course, she got some playing time in too...
This girl LOVES being outside!
Sunday evening we decided it was time to put together Kaitlin's big girl bed! The transition to her toddler bed went amazingly well, so we were pretty confident that this would go just as smoothly.
Kaitlin helped Brandon put the bed together... like I said ~ she is a big helper!
I admit, the room still has miles to go before we're ready for the new baby. We're still trying to figure out the best possible furniture arrangement and other decoration details still need to be worked out. It's functional for now, though... and that's the main thing. Here's Kaitlin bouncing around in her new bed ~ can you see the joy in her eyes?
The first night in her new bed went really well. She slept through the whole night ~ no problems! She loves laying in her bed and reading books. When it's naptime, she asks, "Girl bed?" Meaning: will she be sleeping in her big girl bed? Here's a picture of our sweetie sleeping in her bed that first night. (Brandon thought I was craaaaazy for using flash to take a picture of her - but she's such a good sleeper, she didn't even stir.)
On Tuesday morning, Brandon and Kaitlin were looking for some productive fun. They chose to wash the cars in the driveway! It made me want to go outside and play ~ but, unfortunately I had to work.
Most importantly, I hope the following picture makes the wait for this blog worth your time. This could be one of the best shots I've EVER gotten.... and I mean EVER!

Hahaha.... (PS ~ I think if you click on the picture, you can make it bigger!)
We have lots more planned during the next week, so be sure to check back!
Definitely worth the wait! Great captured moments.
TOO funny...Kaitlin with the hose. lol! I didn't realize you guys have been up to so many fun things! Thanks for (finally) getting around to sharing!!
I feel somewhat responsible you couldn't be washing the car. Responsible, but not guilty. ;-)
Enjoy your vacation!
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