Sunday, July 26, 2009

The County Fair

The Arapahoe County Fair
Last Sunday afternoon we decided to go to the Arapahoe County Fair. The weather looked like rain, but we packed an umbrella and headed out anyways.
It never rained on us and the sun never came out, but I must admit, it was pretty nice not having to be out in the hot sun!

(Unfortunately, both fish "fell asleep" within the first 24 hours.)


Diane / Mimi said...

Looks like fun. Did you escape with out a major sugar buzz (cotton candy, ice cream, etc.)? Typically, impossible to do.

mom/grand pam! said...

I love it! My fav...Kaitlin and Brandon deciding on a treat!

tara said...

too bad... looks like a lot of fun! we should have gone! i really am surprised you missed the rain!