Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Zoey meets Santa...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sorry, Zoey...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Just the other day she was wearing her pink "princess dress" when she decided she needed a purse. What else would be more appropriate than the purple princess bouncy ball?
"I'm a princess, and this is my purse!"
I found a toddler reading list online and decided to start maki
She loved all the books and we've been reading them non-stop. We'll be going back next week for round two.
How long do you think it'll take us to make it through the list??

BOY OH BOY... we L♥VE the Bumbo Seat!
Now, Zoey sits at (okay, ON) the table with us while we eat.
Zoey sits on top of my desk while I work. And, yes, believe it or not, Kaitlin "borrows" the seat when Zoey is not using it.
THANK YOU a million times Tara... this Bumbo Seat is saving my sanity! :-)
WANTED: A VIEW OF THE PARADEEvery year the city of Denver puts on a HUGE holiday parade in downtown Denver called the Parade of Lights. We've been before, but never with children.
Since Brandon had to work, and the weather forecast was mild, my friends and I decided to meet down there for a night of fun. (My brother Kevin came along so I had an extra hand with the girls.)
We planned for a fun evening, but all said and done, we spent more time sitting in bumper to bumper traffic than actually watching the parade. In fact, we barely saw any of the parade at all. The streets were lined with people about 5 or 6 rows deep.... and, although we tried, we were just too short to see over all those people! We were very disappointed!
Kaitlin has never seen a parade, so I thought this would be a good opportunity. Maybe I'll try again in March and go see the St. Patty's Day parade!
Seriously... The museum is so much cooler than I remember!
Brandon has been talking about taking Kaitlin, but I've been reluctant thinking that she was too young to have any fun.
My friends thought it'd be fun to take the kids since the museum was hosting a "free day" last
Sunday. There were so many hands-on activities for Kaitlin and her friends to do.... they even have a kiddie room with things like bubbles, puzzles, games and books!
I think even Zoey had a fabulous time ~ she barely slept the whole time we were there!
This time of year is hard... there's so much to do! Gifts to buy and wrap, activities, obligations, blogs... the list is endless! I saw a Christmas countdown today that said 15 days left until Christmas! FIFTEEN!? Geesh...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
PS - thanks for all those Christmas presents you are leaving under our tree!! Too bad they are not real..... hehe..
Monday, December 1, 2008
Back to Work
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Our Two-Turkey Feast!
(or should I say - oink, oink?)
Today we prepared TWO turkey dinners... TWO. (Insane!) We had all the trimmings - green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberries, bread...... EVERYTHING. TWICE! We even had pumpkin pie.
We did round one for lunch, and round two for dinner. I'm not sure my kitchen has ever worked this hard. From 6:45 am (when the first turkey went in) until 10:30 pm when the last dish was cleaned, there was always something happening in the kitchen.
You're probably wondering WHY - -well, honestly there was a method to the madness. We did round one at noon because Brandon had to work this evening. He had to be to work by 2:00 pm, and we didn't want him to miss out on a yummy Thanksgiving dinner. The only option was to have the "dinner" prepared early enough for him to eat, too. Of course, eating at noon meant that everyone would be hungry again in time for dinner... and what better way to use up all the leftover side dishes than to prepare a second turkey??
Each year our Thanksgiving party seems to grow and grow. This year we were joined by a couple of Michael's friends - Mark and Sarah. Kaitlin was in a spectacular mood today - (which made things a lot of fun) and Zoey was as chill as always. And of course, our two-turkey feast wouldn't have been the same without Uncle Kevin, and Grandma and Grandpa Nincey.
We hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for all of our friends and family!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Zoey's Ears
P.S. Yay us! Zoey is sleeping thru the night now! If tonight goes as planned, it will be the sixth night in a row! I think we're on a roll... Yippee!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
More pictures!

Here at home I took a couple cute pictures of Baby Zoey and Charlie....

Remember the ones I took of Kaitlin and Charlie two years ago?
AND........ a couple more pictures!

AND..... a video! (Kaitlin sings to Zoey again):