Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ahhhhh..... Relief!

Any mother who has given birth without an epidural has officially earned my utmost respect and admiration. After enduring about three hours of intense pitocin-induced contractions, I finally gave in and asked for someone to either take my life or give me an epidural. heheh...

But, here I sit in the midst of a contraction updating the blog. Life is good. I love you, Mr. Epidural.

Peanut Lee is on her way... she will be here soon!

Please keep praying for us... progress is slow. We really need Peanut to come out the right way, not sugically!


Anonymous said...

Being a Doctor myself I really don't trust epidural's to do the job right. That's why I always prescribe Old Grand Dad. My normal dosage recommendatio is the 86 proof however, in your situation I would recomment the 100 proof. And don['t bother with the spoo- just drink it right out of the bottle, You know, I think that I'm starting to feel your pain. I better self prescribe. We'll keep you in our prayers-as long as we're still conscious. ( Boy, this having a baby thing can really be tough stuff!!!)

We love you,

Dr Hawkster and his able assistant Nurse Pam

tara said...

glad your at least feeling no pain! ...right now anyway...

i'm forever trying to check myspace through my phone (which i'm no good at) for updates. again, all my good wishes and prayers!

come out (the right way) little baby ~ we all can't wait to meet you!

Diane / Mimi said...

It's been almost 24 hrs. since Brandon first called to tell us he was taking you to the hospital. Sounds like it has been 24 hours that even Jack Bauer would have a hard time enduring. Hang in there! We love you all & can't wait to welcome Kaitlin's brand new little sister! We are waiting by the phone for the BIG call (or just need to chat while you're waiting). :-) Love, us

Ange said...

Your so!! Yea for epidurals!!! Glad to hear that your feeling ok!!