Sunday, February 8, 2009


Okay, I admit, our blog has been a little lame lately.

So... I told Brandon this morning that we needed to do something "bloggable."

We decided to take Kaitlin bowling. It's the first time she's been bowling, so we weren't sure what to expect. I'd say she did pretty good ~ she beat me!

(We're not very good ~ don't laugh at our scores!)

This is Kaitlin's first trip down the alley...

Then, we found out why we should use the kid's ramp thingy:

We really had a great time! Here are a few more pictures from our "bloggable" adventure:

(And, look who slept the whole time!)


Melissa said...

I never knew about the ramp thing. Wow that is cool. I haven't even taken Michael yet. I should do that with Michael and Katelyn. That would be a fun outting.

mcgee family said...

LOL!! We have had the same thing happen many times where the ball seems to take FOR-EV-ER to get down there! So funny! We were going to go bowling this weekend too, but decided on the aquarium instead...maybe next time we should go bowling together! I am sure K & H would LOVE that! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh please, your blog is NOT lame...anything but! I cherish whatever time and pictures that you put on the blog, especially with two young, active, talented granddaughters!


BTW-the bowling pictures and videos are great! See my other comments on Facebook!

tara said...

looks like she enjoyed herself... well both of the girls i guess! fun and yes, bloggable!!!

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Looks like fun :) And your lil' miss slept~ Fun family times
I have never heard of a kid ramp thingy~ cool!