Friday, October 31, 2008


We went to University Hospital for trick-or-treating again this year.

Grandma and Grandpa Nincey, Uncle Mike and Uncle Kevin joined us for the afternoon of fun! Brandon was scheduled to work today, but was able to leave his post for just a few minutes to come say hi. Even my very good friend George (who also works at the hospital) came down to chat for a while.

We really had a good time this year, and Kaitlin picked up on the idea of "trick-or-treating" right away! It wasn't long before she was running from table to table grabbing anything she could. (And, as expected, Zoey slept the entire time!)

After trick-or-treating at the hospital, the girls and I headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Nincey's house for even more Halloween fun. Grandpa took Kaitlin out trick-or-treating to all his neighbor-friends' homes. (A proud grandpa can't resist showing off his cute granddaughter!) And then back at home, Kaitlin helped Grandma pass out candy to all the kids.

Click to play Trick-or-Treat 2008
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We had a terrific Halloween and hope everyone else did too! As a responsible parent, I should remind you to inspect all candy for razor blades and poison. Call me overly cautious, but I've already had to eat several pieces to make sure they weren't poisoned...... hehe..... ;)


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about checking out the candy BEFORE eating. I did my civic duty as well -- I checked out the candy was giving out to ensure that each and every piece stated...ehh, I mean was free of harmful items! I love the slide show and music! It was SPOOK-tacular!

tara said...

looks like kaitlin had lots of fun! i enjoy your captions... but not that creepy little spider that kept crawling around! eek!!!

Ange said...

Looks like Kaitlin had alot of fun! Us and some friends went trick or treating on a hayride! Elise had a great time. We made sure we checked Elise's candy before she got any of it! If it had a little hole in it we just threw it away. Were weren't gonna take a chance on it being bad!

Diane / Mimi said...

Looks like Kaitlin was very comfortable in Halloween mode. She looked really cute in her costume. Zoey, as always, just looks happy to be there -- another first!