This morning I took Zoey in for her two-month doctor visit. She already weighs 11lbs, 0.5 oz! She's very healthy and right on track on all the growth charts. As some of you know, we're still following up on her initial hearing screen. We took her to an audiologist last week, and have another appointment scheduled later this month. So far, the news has been good.
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Tonight we did another craft project with Kaitlin:
Sun CatchersWe raided Kaitlin's crayon box and took out all the broken crayons. We peeled the crayons

and used a vegetable peeler to make crayon shavings.

We used the colorful shavings to make a rainbow, a flower, and a multi-colored bullseye.

(A low iron setting melts the crayon wax between two sheets of waxed paper.)

We even added string so we could hang the sun catchers by the window!

A fun project ~ but probably too much for Kaitlin... she kept wanting to pile all the colors on top of each other.
Silly girl!We're anxious to see how they'll look in the morning when the sun shines in the window! ;)
You have all the cool ideas!
cute pictures.
One of the best suncatchers was sitting on the table in her bouncey seat--ZOEY! Nice job, Barb, keeping Kaitlin (and Brandon!) busy! YOU'RE AWESOME!
looks like fun! and you welcome... i think bronwyn added to lots of those crayons getting broken!
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