I was able to take Kaitlin to her first preschool field trip last week. Her preschool class went to Tagawa Gardens for a Pumpkin festival. Zoey spent the day with Grandma, so after the field trip Kaitlin and I had "Mommy&Kaitlin" day. (Agenda: Lunch, Movie, Playground.)
Here are some pictures from the field trip!
Standing in front of one of the Fairy Gardens:
Bean Bag Toss:

Exiting the bouncy house:
Decorating her pumpkin ~ look at that concentration!:The completed pumpkin:

Each kid planted a Petunia and learned the difference between "dirt" and "soil":
And so many photo ops! ;)
Next month, the class is going to an urban farm!
did any of the other kids in her class go? doesn't seem to be any other kids there? hope you guys had a fun time! tell kaitlin that gramma pam loves her pumpkin!
Of course there were other kids there! But, I don't know their moms and didn't feel comfortable taking pictures of other people's kids and then posting them online. ;)
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