Monday, April 21, 2008

Helping With Yard Work

It's no secret that we have a big yard.
(Too big, really.)
Luckily for us, this year we have a helping hand!

We spent quite a bit of time in the front yard this weekend doing some "spring cleaning." We did a lot of raking and a lot of tree trimming. I think we ended up with twelve bags of yard debris and a huge stack of bundled branches. (The garbage men are going to love us tomorrow morning!)

It's nice that Kaitlin is old enough to play by herself in the yard now. Last summer she needed a lot more supervision since she was just crawling and putting everything in her mouth. That made it hard to get the work done. (I guess we don't have that excuse this year... oh well...)

Here are a couple pictures of Kaitlin (and Charlie!) "helping" with the yard work Saturday morning:

I think Charlie helped the most.wink


tara said...

that 1st picture is not of kaitlin helping clean up after charlie... right?!?!

Anonymous said...

Now that you got Kaitlin keeping things out of her mouth, I guess it's Brandon's turn! He always did "enjoy" doing yard work! Just ask him about the adventures in the backyard in S. Fla., a rake, and the neighbor next door! I think Charlie was the only one with the right idea, so lay around and let someone else do the work!