Check out Kaitlin's new ride!
My good friend Lisa loaned us this cute red push car to use for Kaitlin! We've been looking for a way to keep Kaitlin entertained at the dog park. This year she's too big to sit in the backpack and the stroller is just too boring for her. When we're not in a rush, we let her walk. But, you can imagine how looooooong the walk becomes when she insists on picking up every stick on the ground and examining each plant and rock that we pass.
We had beautiful weather today, so we took Kaitlin and Charlie to the dog park this morning. To our surprise, Kaitlin stayed in the car the ENTIRE time! Even by the end of the walk, it seemed like she could have went longer. Maybe it was the novelty of the new ride... or maybe it was the answer we've been looking for. I hope it's the answer because we really like going to the dog park!!
Would you ask Lisa if she has another car for me? Oh yeah, I'll need someone to push it for me, too! How awesome is that car! I can hardly wait to take Kaitlin and Charlie to the dog park when I come and visit!
YAY! I am glad that she liked it. Hopefully the novelty of it won't wear off... I will keep my fingers crossed on that one!
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